Tuesday, February 24, 2009



Yoga is a Scientific System of physical and mental excellence which requires obedience to certain rules, principle and methodology in order to acquire satisfactory results. If these rules and principles are not followed it may cause reverse results, i.e. harm and injury to the body.

1. There is no specific time for doing yoga. In the point of view of convenience, morning is always better as you will be free for the rest of the day.
Whatever time you have chosen, stick to the same time of practice every day.
Practice yoga regularly and continuously. Irregular practice will not bring good results.
Practice only once within twenty four hours.
Practice at least 15 minutes a day , for 5 days a week. 15 minutes can be gradually increased to a maximum of 1 hour.

2. The place of yoga practice should be neat, clean and airy.
Try to practice at the same place regularly.
Practice alone, if possible.

3. Yoga should be practiced on an empty stomach.
If you have taken food, wait for two or more hours before practicing.
Practitioner must avoid hot food or excessive spices and try to eat a balanced diet.

4.Relax in between asanas for 6 to 8 seconds. Take 2 or 3 normal breaths between asanas.
Rest at the end of the asana session. The general principle is to rest 1/4th of the time of actual practice. For example if you practice asanas for 30 minutes, your rest time is 7 1/2 minutes.

5. Your body should be neat and clean nor it should be tired or under any excessive physical pain.
Wear clean and light cloth while practicing.
Avoid excessive intake of coffee, tea, alcohol and drugs.

6. Try to keep the mind free from anxiety, worries and any strenuous involvement while you are practicing.
7. Women should not practice yoga during their menstrual periods. Pregnant women should take care to practice moderately.



'Asanas' in Sanskrit means posture.
There are around 84 asanas - each one has a special name, special form and a
distinct way of performing. Asanas are designed to promote, a state of mental
and physical well-being or good health. This may be defined as the condition
that is experienced when all the organs function effectively under the intelligent
control of the mind. Asanas have an extraordinary capacity to overhaul, rejuvenate
and bring the entire system into a state of balance. 


Surya Namaskar means greeting or bowing the sun. Usually all sessions
of Yoga asanas begin with the 'Surya Namaskar' or sun salutation. It
nourishes and energizes the upper part of the body.


'Utthan' means to raise up and 'Pada' means legs. In this
posture the legs are lifted upwards. It strengthens the spinal code
and removes disorders of the back. 


Paschimothan Asana also known as touching toes posture, means
stretching the back. It brings flexibility and corrects disorders of
the spine.  


'Bhujanga' means serpent or snake. This asana is named after
the king of the snakes, Cobra. It provides a youthful appearance and
for women, makes child birth easy. 


'Salabha' or locust is a type of grass hopper. It is a reverse
of cobra posture. It is strenuous and can be practiced in parts at the
initial stage. It favourably activates all the organs of the lower part
of the body.  


'Sarva' means all and 'Anga' means body, so Sarvanga is the
posture of the whole body. As the whole body weight in this posture
rests on the shoulders, it is also called 'Shoulder Stand Posture'.
It is a purifying, nourishing and energizing asana beneficial to the
whole body. 


Matsya Asana is so called because in its perfect posture,
one is supposed to float like a fish in water. It is beneficial to perform
this asana after Sarvanga Asana. It has corrective effects for the neck
and shoulder troubles.


The body form in this asana resembles a bow or 'dhanur'. It
is one of the best asana for activating and strengthening the joints
of the body. It has some special benefits for women.


The plow or Hala Asana is an extreme forward bending exercise.
It has some excellent benefits and occupies a very prominent place in
asanas. It is a unique asana for gaining sexual powers. 


'Shava Asana' means posture of a dead body. Also known as
'Yoga Nidra' which means yogic method of sleep. It is an asana which
claims to provide a satisfactory relaxation of both the body and the

Note: Information Taken from Internet.

Disclaimer :

We are not responsible or liable for any injury or harm caused to the practitioner while practicing the asanas given here. Some asanas may be inappropriate under certain medical conditions. We suggest that you consult a qualified instructor.



• Dandruff weakens the roots, and consequently hair starts falling off.
• Dandruff sticks on to the skin of the scalp in a cake form and blocks free flow of air to the roots.
• As a result, hair becomes weak at the roots and loosen their hold.


Studies indicate that 50% of adults are affected by dandruff at some time or the other in their lives. More often than not, it is the result of a disturbance in the body’s metabolic process. Your scalp, like the rest of your skin, is constantly renewing and shedding itself. Old cells die out and give way to new ones. And when the natural balance in the metabolic process is upset, the new cells form faster than the old cells can be shed off. These then accumulate on the scalp in the form of flakes. The metabolic process can be disturbed by
• Drugs
• The onset of puberty
• Emotional stress and strain
• Sudden changes in the climate or your diet.
• It is also believed that dandruff is caused by a fungal infection of the scalp.


Before you start treating your hair for dandruff, make sure you really have dandruff. Sometimes a flaky scalp may be caused by too much sun, or excessive use of hair dryers. It can also be caused by the use of soaps on the hair, or harsh shampoos which do not wash out easily. But if you use a gentle shampoo plus conditioner like Sunsilk, you needn’t worry. Avoid home remedies as many of them can do more harm than good.


Never use the brush or comb of the person suffering from dandruff as it is dangerous and contagious. Likewise, make sure that you wash your comb/brush after every shampoo if you have dandruff yourself! Many medicines, medicated soaps and shampoos are available to counter dandruff, but the most effective is cleanliness of hair. Brush your hair thrice a day and shampoo at least once a week. While washing your hair, take care the water does not trickle down your face. There are chances that you may get pimples.


• Add six spoonfuls water, two spoonfuls pure vinegar and apply it on the scalp with cotton wool before going to bed. Tie a towel around your head to protect the pillow. Wash your hair next morning. After shampooing, rinse again with vinegar water. Continue this once a week for at least three months.
• Mix a spoonful of lemon juice with two spoonfuls of vinegar and massage on the scalp. Wash your hair with an egg shampoo after this.
• Soak fenugreek (methi) seeds in yogurt overnight and apply the curd on your scalp for half an hour before washing in the morning.
• Hair washed with methi seed paste prevents dandruff, falling hair, baldness and dandruff keeping the hair long, healthy and black. Just soak the fenugreek seeds overnight in water to soften the seeds and grind in the morning to make paste. Before hairwash, apply this paste on scalp and hair and leave it on for half an hour. Wash off with shampoo later.


Beat two eggs and add two tablespoons of water to it. Wet the hair and apply the egg mixture over the hair. Now massage your scalp and let the mixture on for ten minutes to fifteen minutes. Then rinse the hair with lukewarm water. This will keep both dandruff and hairfall problem away from you.

Got dandruff? Jawed Habib Recommends…

Is the dandruff getting to you? Want to get your hair streaked? Need to prevent that hair fall?
Just email your query and Sunsilk Hair Expert Jawed Habib will clear all your doubts. Check out his advice for very common hair queries...

I have lots of dandruff. Can you recommend a natural hair pack or home remedy for dandruff?
Sheela Sampat, Calcutta
A: Make a paste of methi with rose water apply for half an hour.

Q: My hair is thin, what haircut do I have?
Janice Diniz, Muscat
A: The haircut for thin hair has to be short as it can’t hold bounce or shape if they are long. So they should be below shoulder.

Q: Is it possible to align hair length without the use of a scissor?
Ameesha Singh, Delhi
A: Yes you could go for some hair extension.

Q: I have dandruff due to which I am getting small pimples on face. Also my hair has become very rough. Except for shampoo what else could be applied in order to make them soft & straight? Also does streaking the hair spoil texture of hair?
Shashikala, U.S.A
A: You may have oily dandruff. You can use henna every fortnight for half an hour’s time, and on top of it use serum on the hair. You could go ahead with streaks as it does not spoil the texture of hair.

Q: I had highlighted my hair six or seven months back. My hair has become dry and dull. I've tried all brands of shampoo but none of them suits me and after washing it becomes very rough.
Maya Sinha , Nashik
A: After highlighting the hair becomes slightly dry and dull. You need to regularly use conditioner or leave on conditioner like serum after every wash.

- www.tips4me.com


Pimples have a notorious habit of showing up just before that special date or a much-awaited party. It doesn’t matter how great your date is or how lovely the party is, you constantly feel that all eyes are on your face, with a pimple spoiling the show.

Tone, Wash, And Moisturize
Acne is mainly caused by bacteria build-up, so it’s best to use an anti-bacterial face wash. Usually, your dermatologist will recommend a safe product to use. Better still, use fragrance-free face wash that is free of any oils.

Apply an oil free, vitamin E-enriched cream that is useful to heal pimple-prone and ruptured skin. You need to remove the impurities from your face to allow it to breathe. Never forget to use a toner and a face wash daily after returning from outside. An alcohol-free toner is best as it will keep a check on the bacteria on the skin. Use an oil-free sunscreen for your face. But remember, you need very little of it, else the sweat and your oily skin will lead to more pimples.

When A Pimple Strikes
Rule of thumb, never squeeze a pimple as this may cause scarring and infection. Squeezing a pimple reddens the area, causing the bacteria to spread. Instead, every half an hour, apply a cold compress on the pimple. Even if it gives you the chills, hold the ice on the affected area for a couple of minutes. Cold compress does wonders in reducing redness, swelling, and pain. Wash your face at least three times a day with anti-acne soap. Follow it up with an anti-acne cream containing benzyl peroxide. Seek a doctor’s advice before purchasing and applying as overuse of such creams can cause excessive drying of skin.

Hide It
Always go for water-based products as they are lighter on oily skin. Preferably choose a medicated concealer with anti-acne properties. First dab some toner with cotton wool on the pimples. The toner will dry up the excess oil, and then use the concealer. Remember, concealers can be creamy, so use them sparingly. You can spread the concealer with your finger tips, a brush, or cotton wool. Once you have applied the concealer, allow it to dry and use a powder brush to set it. Once done, apply oil-free foundation and compact to complete the picture. Ensure the foundation has a yellow base to reduce the redness of the pimples.


Do wash your face with a mild soap thrice a day.
Do wash your face often (plain water splashes).
Do steam your face at least twice a week.
Do use a separate face towel and soap.
Do eat a healhty balanced diet rich with fruits and vegetables. It is generally believed that oily food aggravate acne. This is not true.
Do inform your doctor if you are taking any other oral medications like oral contraceptive pills, hormones etc.
Do ask your doctor for any clarification regarding your medications.
Do visit your dermatologist regularly.

Don't pinch / pluck at your pimples or even touch them. They can scar.
Don't stop your medications abruptly without consulting your doctor. Oral medications may have to be taken for at least 5-6 months.
Don't use any strong medicated soaps.
Don't use oily cosmetics.

Cosmetic corrective procedures for Acne scars
Chemical Peel : Various chemical agents like Retinoic acid, Trichloracetic acid, Alpha hydroxy acid or Phenol are used to induce exfoliation of superficial layers of skin.
Dermabrasion: Abrading superficial layers of skin using emory or sand paper or motorized dermabrader.
Collagen Injection: Used to fill up and level up skin unevenness and smoothen it.
Excision & Punch Graft: Deep pitted scars can be excised and punch grafted.

Acne, commonly known as 'Pimples' is a chronic inflammatory disorder of the pilosebaceous unit (hair follicle and oil producing glands). It is one of the commonest conditions affecting the teenage population. Usually they subside spontaneously within a few years, but a small percentage of them continue to have them even in their early thirties.

Acne is due to various reasons. There is increased stickiness of the cells that line the opening of the hair follicle due to which the sebum which is normally secreted out through thisroute, gets blocked, resulting in the 'blackhead'. There is also an increased amount of the bacteria 'Propionibacteria acnes' which normally resides there in small numbers. There is also increased sebum production due to the hormonal variation that takes place at the time of puberty.

Acne can either be non-inflammatory (just blackheads) or they can progress to larger lesions filled with pus, which ultimately scar. Topical medications in the form of lotions, gels etc. is sufficient for small non inflammatory ones, but once pus filled lesions are present, oral antibiotics are necessary, in addition to the topical medications.


It is very common that almost every woman in a specific time of their lives will develop stretch marks. Others simply have a generic predisposition to stretch marks and get them everywhere and others, never develop stretch marks at all.

They look like reddish lines across the body, and with time they will turn white. In pregnancy it is common to have them since the skin is stretching very rapidly to accommodate the baby and the milk stored in the breasts.

Once the stretch marks develop they will stay with you forever; but with time they will be less noticeable. The only way to avoid stretch marks is preventing them.

We recommend:
It is very important to exercise in order to get rid of stretch marks; toning your muscles helps your skin to remain firm thus preventing stretch marks.

Make sure your diet contains plenty of protein and foods rich in Vitamin C and Vitamin E, they promote good tissue growth.

Massaging your body with olive oil or Vitamin E may help.

You can also try this homemade recipe: Mix one ounce of carrier oil (try avocado, sweet almond, jojoba, they are the best) with seven drops of lavender and five drops of chamomile.

Apply cocoa butter and/ or elastin cream throughout the body as directed on label. These are very good for stretch marks.

Here is another good recipe:
1/2 cup virgin olive oil.
1/4 cup aloe vera gel.
liquid from 6 capsules of Vitamin E.
liquid from 4 capsules of Vitamin A.
Mix all the ingredients together in a blender. After that pour the mixture into a jar and store it in the fridge. Apply the oil externally all over the places where the stretch marks commonly appear (abdomen, hips, thighs and breasts). If you do this consistently every day, you may prevent stretch marks.

Now that you know how to make pimples you get disappear, here are some tips to make sure they don’t recur and you can live a pimple free life!
Never touch your pimples. Continuous touching can spread the bacteria on your face and cause pimples elsewhere.

Change the sheets of your bed and pillow regularly. At times, bacteria present on your pillow cover can lead to pimples.

Have a lukewarm water bath. Never bathe with piping hot water as it removes the essential oils from your skin. After a bath, pat your skin dry. Never rub it harshly with a towel as you’ll only strip away essential skin cells and make it even drier and prone to infections.

Remember, you should never share make up. You never know whose infection might ruin your skin.

Drink at least 6 to 8 glasses of water daily; this helps in flushing out the toxins in your body that cause pimples and other skin problems.

Note: Information taken from Internet.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Conficker Worm Gets An Evil Twin

The criminals behind the widespread Conficker worm have released a new version of the malware that could signal a major shift in the way the worm operates.

The new variant, dubbed Conficker B++, was spotted three days ago by SRI International researchers, who published details of the new code on Thursday. To the untrained eye, the new variant looks almost identical to the previous version of the worm, Conficker B. But the B++ variant uses new techniques to download software, giving its creators more flexibility in what they can do with infected machines.

Conficker-infected machines could be used for nasty stuff -- sending spam, logging keystrokes, or launching denial of service (DoS) attacks, but an ad hoc group calling itself the Conficker Cabal has largely prevented this from happening. They've kept Conficker under control by cracking the algorithm the software uses to find one of thousands of rendezvous points on the Internet where it can look for new code. These rendezvous points use unique domain names, such as pwulrrog.org, that the Conficker Cabal has worked hard to register and keep out of the hands of the criminals.

The new B++ variant uses the same algorithm to look for rendezvous points, but it also gives the creators two new techniques that skip them altogether. That means that the Cabal's most successful technique could be bypassed.

Conficker underwent a major rewrite in December, when the B variant was released. But this latest B++ version includes more subtle changes, according to Phil Porras, a program director with SRI. "This is a more surgical set of changes that they've made," he said.

To put things in perspective: There were 297 subroutines in Conficker B; 39 new routines were added in B++ and three existing subroutines were modified, SRI wrote in a report on the new variant. B++ suggests "the malware authors may be seeking new ways to obviate the need for Internet rendezvous points altogether," the report states.

Porras could not say how long Conficker B++ has been in circulation, but it first appeared on Feb. 6, according to a researcher using the pseudonym Jart Armin, who works on the Hostexploit.com Web site, which has tracked Conficker.

Though he does not know whether B++ was created in response to the Cabal's work, "it does make the botnet more robust and it does mitigate some of the Cabal's work," Support Intelligence CEO Rick Wesson said in an e-mail interview.

Also known as Downadup, Conficker spreads using a variety of techniques. It exploits a dangerous Windows bug to attack computers on a local area network, and it can also spread via USB devices such as cameras or storage devices. All variants of Conficker have now infected about 10.5 million computers, according to SRI.


Thursday, February 19, 2009

Social networking sites could increase cancer risk

Social networking sites could increase cancer risk

London: Are you a frequent visitor to social networking sites like Facebook or MySpace? Then there is some bad news for you.
The habit can increase the risk of health problems as serious as cancer.
A report in a science journal has claimed that logging on these sites frequently could increase the risk of cancer and other major illness such as strokes, heart disease and dementia.
“Emailing people rather than meeting up with them may have wide-ranging biological effects,” said psychologist Aric Sigman in his report published in Biologist, the journal of the Institute of Biology.
“Increased isolation could alter the way genes work and upset immune responses, hormone levels and the function of arteries. It could also impair mental performance, which could increase the risk of problems as serious as cancer, strokes, heart disease and dementia,” the doctor was quoted as saying in his report by Daily Mail. Even though these sites are designed to bring people together, Sigman said they are making people more isolated. Research suggested that the number of hours people spent speaking to others face-to-face had fallen dramatically since 1987 as the use of electronic media increased.
“Interacting ‘in person’ had effects on the body not seen when writing emails. Levels of hormones such as the ‘cuddle chemical’ oxytocin, which promotes bonding, altered according to whether people were in close contact or not,” Sigman claimed.
“There does seem to be a difference between ‘real presence’ and the virtual variety,” the doctor added.
Some genes, including ones involved with the immune system and responses to stress, acted differently according to how much social interaction a person had with others, the news daily reported.
“Social networking sites should allow us to embellish our social lives, but what we find is very different. “It’s not that I’m old fashioned in terms of new technology, but its purpose should be to provide a tool that enhances our lives,” Sigman said.
Sigman said 209 ‘socially regulated’ genes had been identified, including ones involved in the immune system, cell proliferation and responses to stress. Their activity may account for higher rates of inflammatory disease and other health problems seen in socially isolated individuals.
“Social networking sites should allow us to embellish our social lives, but what we find is very different. The tail is wagging the dog. These are not tools that enhance, they are tools that displace,” the doctor added in his report.

Note:Information copied from Times of India.

Lynda.com Joomla! 1.5 Essential Training

Lynda.com | Joomla! 1.5 Essential Training
with: Joseph LeBlanc

Many types of websites can be built and maintained more easily using a content management system (CMS). A CMS provides a web-based interface for creating and organizing content. The content is stored in a database, then consistently presented according to a set of templates and preferences, which eliminates the need to handcraft each page in HTML. Joomla! is a popular, easy-to-use, open-source CMS built in PHP. It has near-limitless functionality, thanks to its community of extension developers. In Joomla! 1.5 Essential Training, Joseph LeBlanc uses Joomla! to build a small-business website from scratch with no programming at all, from installation to launch. He demonstrates how to create and organize content; add menus, sidebars, and other features; change the look with templates; install plug-ins and extensions; and much more.

Table of contents
Welcome 0:52 0.8 MB
What is a content management system? 2:49 3.1 MB
What is Joomla!? 2:05 2.7 MB
1. Installing
Overview of the installation process 1:20 0.7 MB
Installing MAMP 3:51 4.2 MB
Installing WAMP 2:20 2.4 MB
Using other services and resolving issues 2:12 1.3 MB
Installing Joomla! 1.5 5:09 6.5 MB
Using the example files 2:21 2.4 MB
2. Creating Content
Adding content to the front page 1:44 2.1 MB
Using Read More 2:35 3.8 MB
Creating individual pages of content 3:31 4.3 MB
Dividing long articles using page breaks 3:10 4.5 MB
Formatting content 4:13 5.6 MB
Adding an external link 1:22 2.1 MB
Adding article images 3:41 6 MB
Deleting content 2:20 2.8 MB
3. Organizing Content into Sections and Categories
Creating sections and categories 3:34 4.9 MB
Organizing content 2:21 3.8 MB
Using the Blog Layout options 2:24 3.5 MB
Using the List Layout options 3:14 3.9 MB
Modifying section and category details 3:55 4.8 MB
Adding section and category descriptions 3:21 4.4 MB
4. Setting Content Display Parameters
Setting Global Configuration parameters for articles 3:03 4.1 MB
Setting individual article configuration parameters 2:29 2.5 MB
Setting content access parameters 1:54 1.5 MB
Ordering articles 1:38 1.7 MB
Setting publishing parameters 2:38 3.7 MB
Setting article icons 2:12 4 MB
Setting metadata 2:12 2.8 MB
5. Creating Menus for Your Site
Using menus 4:07 3.6 MB
Using other menu items 2:16 2.1 MB
Creating parent menu items 1:54 2.1 MB
Setting menu item details 2:43 2.2 MB
Setting the menu item page title 1:50 2.1 MB
Creating additional menus 3:43 4.4 MB
Changing the default menu items 1:55 1.5 MB
Deleting menu items 2:14 2.4 MB
6. Using Modules
Creating a sidebar 1:41 2 MB
Configuring modules 3:34 4.4 MB
Assigning modules to menu items 1:40 2.1 MB
Creating a login module 3:28 4.6 MB
Creating a breadcrumb module 3:17 4.1 MB
Creating a syndicate module for RSS feeds 2:32 3 MB
Using other modules 2:00 2.2 MB
7. Using Components
Using the content component 3:35 4.6 MB
Creating a contact component 4:25 5.2 MB
Creating a poll component 3:07 3.5 MB
Creating a search component 5:51 7.9 MB
8. Managing Users
Creating a user 1:55 2.2 MB
Granting user permissions 3:20 3.5 MB
Allowing self-registration 2:57 2.5 MB
Allowing users to modify user details 3:23 2.7 MB
9. Using Global Tools
Modifying global configurations 3:12 2.3 MB
Reading and writing private messages 2:31 1.9 MB
Using the Mass Mail feature 3:10 2.1 MB
Using the Media Manager 2:54 3.8 MB
Using Joomla! help 2:04 2.8 MB
10. Using Templates
Changing the look of the site using templates 2:18 2.9 MB
Assigning templates 1:34 1.5 MB
Adjusting templates with the HTML Editor 3:14 4.1 MB
11. Extending Joomla! 1.5
Using plug-ins 2:37 2.5 MB
Using extensions 2:24 1.7 MB
Managing languages in the site 1:57 2.4 MB
Joining the Joomla! community 3:59 6.5 MB
12. Launching Your Site and Beyond
Launching your site 4:15 4.4 MB
Understanding SEO 5:52 5.3 MB
Goodbye 0:50 0.8 MB

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6 Group Access
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8 MySQL Auth
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11 Who's Online Extended

Database & File Management
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2 Pudba Component

Downloads & Links
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3. JV - LinkExchange
4. Link Directory
5. Link Exchange
6. LinkX
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8. Recent Links
9. Remository
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3 MOStly CE

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FaceBook v1.5 PHP script | 2.22 MB

FaceBook v1.5 PHP script
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Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Dead Pixel Tester 2.50

Dead Pixel Tester 2.50
Utility to test LCD monitors for the presence of «bad pixels» is designed to check such incidents. Allows you to highlight any areas of the screen in any of the selected color to identify correctly functioning cells. It's enough to select the color and check the display on the whole surface of the monitor station. In the event of a discrepancy there is a special window (with the five basic colors) for a more detailed study.
Language: English
License: Freeware
Size: 5 MB

Download here:


JDownloader 0.4.594 Multilanguage

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Monday, February 16, 2009

Love Messages

I just want you to be happy, even if I'm not the reason behind that happiness.

I looked at a flower and thought it was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen till I met you.

2 hearts, 1 souls, 1 beat, You and Me!

I was never tired of this life and its not gonna matter if I fall down twice because I know each time I fall, you won't let me hit the ground.

You are my heart, my soul, my treasure, my today, my tomorrow, my forever, my everything!

You leave me wanting nothing more than wanting more of you.

A candle may melt and it's fire may die, but the love you have given me will always stay as a flame in my heart.

There is something special between me and you, the flutter in my heart and the glow in your eyes tells me our love is no lies.

If I had one wish I would give you a long and tender kiss and if I had two wishes then I would choose to do it over again.

Our love is like a diamond ring, it's a precious thing. Our love together is the kind that lasts forever.

Would you open your heart to love me once again? I swear that I'll be true and never let go because my heart is you.

Everyday away from you, tears could fill an ocean blue. Please don't turn away from all those dreams that we once knew.

Life won't mean a thing without you loving me and all I need is you in my life.

Don't ever doubt your trust in me, I'll give you my heart so honestly.

You are like the sunshine so warm, you are like sugar, so sweet.. you are like you.. and that's the reason why I love you!

Faith makes all things possible. Hope makes all things work. Love makes all things beautiful. I Love You my only love.

Can I say I love you today? If not, can I ask you again tomorrow? And the day after tomorrow? And the day after that? Coz I'll be loving you every single day of my life.

When all seems lost and lonely for you
And you dont really know what to do
Look inside your heart and see
There in a special place, I will be

Most wonderful pairs in the world are:-

Being near is not the meaning of being dear,

I may be far from u but msgs are bridges

2 make u feel that I always REMEMBER YOU!

I Love you: A Poem


When I first talked to you
I felt like I had known you forever,
telling you my problems
and what I didn't want ever.

You listened to me
I bet you thought I'd never end,
who would have thought
we would be the best of friends.

Over a period of time,
I got to know the real you.
A guy so charming and gentle,
with a heart so true.

You've survived your life
with me by your side.
I told you I'd never leave
because of the feelings I have inside.

There was a time
I wanted to explore,
what would have happened
if I would only open the door.

I know you
like no one I have ever known,
and sometimes I wonder
what do I do when we're alone?

So I have decided
time answers all.
If it is meant to be
time will remove the wall.

Standing between us,
holding us back,
allowing us to feel
It's the relationship that we lack.

I love the way we are together,
you can always make me smile.
Will it ever really be forever?
I guess I will have to wait awhile.

Time will reveal, what lies ahead
but always remember
what I have said.
Meeting you has changed my life
and I really love you so,
the feelings I feel for you
I am never letting go.
Remember me always
and I will too.

I will always think of
me and you.


My love for you is forever
My love for you always grows
My love for you is always here
Even though the whole world knows
My love for you won’t fade
My love for you won’t go away
My love for you is always here
And nothings getting' in its way
I know my love for you will be tested
I know my love for you is challenged everyday
I know my love for you will never give up
Because my love for you is here to stay
Now my love for you is in your heart
And that’s where I want it to be
Cuz' my love for you was here from the start
It’s just now you hold the key.


Come with me and take my hand
I will take you to a mystical land
Upon my bed of a thousand roses
Into which our love willingly imposes

The smell of our rose permeates the air
Passionate touches with tender care
One hundred candles luminous glow
Replicating the moon from below

Dancing shadows along the hall
Sensual art forms on the wall
Minds lost in the essence of time
Slowly moving in passionate rhyme

Cries of love and soulful desire
Kindling inside the immense fire
Temperatures soaring around the room
The spirit of lust surrounding loom

Eye Care Tips

Eye Care Tips

Effective Tips for Eye Care

The below mentioned eye care tips helps you have an healthy and beautiful eyes free of eye wrinkles and dark circles around the eyes.

1. Apply a thin coat of castor oil on the eyelashes and eyebrows every night. It strengthens eye lashes and cools the eyes.

2. To reduce puffiness of your eyes, Crush a cucumber and take the juice. Add a little rose water and apply around the eyes and wash it after 20 minutes.

3. Immerse wads of cotton in a cooled mixture of cucumber and potato juice. Keep this on your eyelids for 15 to 20 minutes and gently wash it off. Apply a little baby oil. Put sliced cucumber over your eyes to treat dark circles.

4. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables like carrots, drumstick, spinach., papaya and mangoes. All these are rich in beta carotene which helps to have healthy eyes.

5. Take adequate rest. Rest will refresh the eyes and help them work more efficiently.

6. Exercise regularly to improve blood circulation. Only then your eyes are sure to receive enough oxygen for good performance.

7. Regularly apply oil mixed in glycerin to your eye lashes and eye brows to keep them dense and dark.

8. Always use sunglasses during the peak day time to protect your eyes from sunrays. Direct sunrays cause heavy damage to eyes.

9. Put a slice of potato or cucumber on both the eyes, after 10 minutes remove and wash the eyes. This helps to avoid under eye wrinkles and dark circles around the eyes.

10. To avoid any kind of puffiness in your eyes drink minimum 12 glass of water.Drinking lots of water helps to flush out waste from the body.

11. Do not rub your eyes for any reason but instead just blink your eyelids. Blinking is a good massage and exercise to the eyes.

12. Take A vitamin diet to make eyes brighter. (papaya, eggs, fish, milk, cilantro etc.,) Wash eyes with cold water to get sparkling eyes.

13. Soak amla overnight in water and use this water the next morning to wash the eyes.

14. Soak cotton in Luke warm milk and cover eyes with it for 15 min.

15. To soothe tired eyes, dip cotton pads in chilled milk and place on closed eyes for 10 minutes. Now relax completely.

16. To completely relax the eyes and the surrounding muscles, close your eyes and think of something that is pleasant or soothing and at a distance. Now gently open your eyes and look into the distance. Next focus on an object at arm's length. Do this extremely relaxing exercise four or five times a day.

17. For Puffy Eyes: Grate a potato with its peel and apply on your closed eyelids for about 20 minutes and relax completely. You may even take a nap.

18. Wash your face before sleeping, and ensure that there is no make-up on your face before you sleep, because, make-up creams may spoil your face as it will be there for the whole night. It is better if no cream is applied. What I feel is, wash your face before sleeping and if at all you want to apply any cream, just apply night cream and none other than that.

Note: Tips taken from Internet sites. The owner of this blog has no concern if any damages to eyes of the user happens. It's only Information and not the doctors advice.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Social Engine NULL Script



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Web 2.0 Style Brushes

Web 2.0 Style Brushes
Full Set 1 - 65 Brushes | 1,4 MB


Serif PagePlus X3 Publisher Professional v13.0

Serif PagePlus X3 Publisher Professional v13.0
Welcome to PagePlus X3, Serif’s powerful Windows Vista certified DTP superstar — the easiest way to boost your business with unrivalled in-house graphic design and publishing. With PagePlus X3 it’s simple for anyone to create, publish and share high quality designs as outstanding printed documents, stylish websites and eye-catching emails. Plus import, edit, and export PDF files for reliable commercial output and near-universal sharing compatibility.
Stand out from the crowd with new Image Cutout and Logo Studios, support for up-to-the-minute graphics formats, stunning new special effects, enhanced usability and even more powerful text handling, tables, and publishing!



ESET NOD32 Antivirus 3.0.672 including Serial Numbers

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Photo to Cartoon 4.08

Photo to Cartoon 4.08

Liangzhu Software make some programs to edit picture, they can make funny photos for you. such as sketch, colorsketch, cartoon, or other effects for photo.

Photo To Cartoon v4.08
• Make funny and amazing cartoons.
• You can create personalized cartoons of your friends, family or famous people.
• Add a sketch effect to a cartoon photo.
• Make outline for photo, trace the original photo and freehand drawing , just like rubbing.
• Making cartoons is simple



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